Tuesday, September 30, 2014

             Artist Statement

     Kids are what inspire me. The pureness of a child amazes me. Not just a child, but A young one. A child before society shapes them the way they want. Before society introduces judgment and expectations. Expectations are my biggest enemy. Through my photography I want to show the pureness in things, the simplicity. The rawness in life.
Who: Kid
What: Picking his noes
Where: His house
When: This year, his childhood
Why: Kids do what they want
How: He gives no craps

I love this photo. This kid looks so happy about picking his noes. He should be. He has not yet been exposed to judgment. So, he does what he wants when he wants and thats what everyone should do.

One of me is not enough.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Scavenger Hunt

A Thin line

A Wavy line

Something Red

Something Yellow

Something Green

Something Soft

Something Circle

Something Zigzag

Something Rectangle

Something Triangle

Zigzag Line

Something Rough

Something Smooth

Straight Line

Something Bumpy

Something Blue

Something Purple

Something Rough

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Who: A young child
What: Potty Training. (Copying adult)
Where: Bathroom
When: 2014
Why: Kids copy their parents 
How: Moms a photographer 

I absolutely love this picture. When i look about it, i think about kids doing what they see. This toddler is reading a magazine well going to the bathroom so she probably has seen her parents doing this. Be a good role model!!!!!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Who: Old lady
What: Looking help less
Where: 3rd world country
When: Recently 2013
Why: To make a statement
How: A photographer wanted to prove a point, make a statement.

I think this photo is incredible. It is so powerful. It comes across to me as people in need of TLC. People who are less fortunate as us. Her eyes just capture me and make me think about this photo.

National Geographic