Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Ben Conant

     Last week we had a visitor named Ben Conant, an editor of the Ledger Transcript come to talk to us about what he did. What I thought was most interesting about his speech was that he never planned to be a photographer or a journalist until he was older. He went to college for journalism but still had no interest in photography. This lead to getting into his career of being an editor and teaching himself photography. Well he was here he showed us some articles and pictures he took in the paper.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

ISO: 500 APT: 5.6 Shutter Speed: 1/25

ISO: 600 APT: 4.5 Shutter Speed: 1/250

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Who: Jeremy Mayhew
What: Maybe a fruity truffle.
Where: NH
When: 2014
Why: Because business needed them.
How: Camera. Ads

I like this photo. It makes whatever this food is look very appetizing. I want one very badly. I love what he did with the 3,2,1 with them in the bowls. The colors are very nice.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Photo Share 18

Who: Maya
What: Sassy
Where: Hancock NH
When: 2014
Why: Shows Innocence
How: Candid

       I took this photo. I am really happy with the way it came out. It says so much about her. I also think it being in black and white makes it more dramatic. She looks so sweet and innocent with a sassy side almost.